If you are interested in developing a strategy to keep your teeth healthy for a lifetime, we offer a comprehensive occlusal examination.
During the comprehensive exam, we will gather detailed information about your dental health. We will explain to you the state of your teeth, gums, jaw joints, and the reason for the condition they’re in.
We will establish a customized patient portfolio, which will include digital photos of your smile, radiographs, and molds of your teeth. We will discuss the cosmetic changes you wish to make to your smile.
The information gathered during the comprehensive exam allows us to study and analyze what happens to your teeth and joints during everyday function. It helps us find and eliminate factors that undermine your dental health or future cosmetic and restorative dental work. It helps us design your smile from a functional and esthetic standpoint.
Dr. Baczara will meticulously study the results of the examination and test possible solutions on diagnostic models. She will develop a detailed plan of treatment, which will include a summary of findings, recommended treatment, and estimated cost.
Our patient coordinator will work with you to schedule your future visits. She will help you understand and select from various payment options available to you. We will also prepare and submit paperwork to your insurance company so you can utilize your benefits.